DIY Terrarium picture frame Ikea Hack

DIY Terrarium picture frame Ikea Hack – This brilliant terrarium is quickly home-made, inexpensive & offers place for cacti & other plants!

DIY Terrarium picture frame Ikea Hack

[I] The spring keeps waiting this year really very long. While it blows outside icily, it rules inside – in any case, with me – atmosphere of departure! Therefore, I would also like to show you today again a brilliant idea DIY which you will love absolutely. How you know, I am a true plant lover and own also around 50 copies. The today’s Ikea Hack comes up ideally for it in a few plants nicely in the scene to place.[/I]

[I]However, for the today’s project you do not need many materials and the costs keep themselves also very low. Those DIY ideas are to me the favourite ones! Also one has with the today’s creatively project again numerous creation possibilities. Above all this terrarium DIY is also suitable ideally as a home-made present. One can decorate instead of cacti or other plants, for example, also candles or artificial flowers in it. All the same for what one uses the pretty plants terrarium really, it is anyway always an eye-cacher! However, what does one need now, actually, for this great idea DIY? Now I will teill you. 🙂  [/I] 


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Required products for terrarium DIY picture frame Ikea Hack:

  • 4 picture frames
  • Hot Glue
  • Cactus
  • Acrylic varnish in gold
  • Paintbrush for applying

DIY Terrarium picture frame Ikea Hack – How To Make:

[I]First we catch to us the picture frames and arrange this in such a way as they should stand together later. I have so arranged my picture frames that in each case on the left and on the right a picture frame overlap the other two. One can arrange the single picture frames also other. It is important only that one equalises the method on both sides, because the plants DIY terrarium, otherwise, properly aufeinanderpasst & does not become crooked. As soon as one has decided, one catches to himself the hot glue & sticks together in each case two picture frames at the side.[/I]

[I] It pays attention to the fact that you do not use too much hot glues, because this runs usually unsightly at the side from the terrarium. If the basic scaffolding stands & has stuck together substantially, we varnish it gold. I have decided on a glitter gold, because I like this especially well & the final result looks even nobler. As soon as the varnish has nicely dried, you can decorate your Th It Yourself terrarium already with different cacti or other plants! Then this can look in such a way, as on the photos below. [/I]

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With a pretty cactus and a grey chamber pot the terrarium DIY is properly effective! It can be varnished in the most different colours & fits so ideally to every equipment.

Especially nicely the terrarium looks if it is arranged with other Deko to elements like a bouquet or other plants. Our red velvet sofa fits in colour also perfectly like I find.

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[/column] [/row] [I]of course one can also put several cacti together in the plants to terrarium. Especially interesting it looks when one reaches to different variations. On the photos see her two different decorations. Once I have just arranged a group of cacti. With the other variation stands only single, a little bigger cactus in the terrarium DIY.[/I]

 How do you like my today’s diy idea „DIY Terrarium picture frame Ikea Hack“?

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