Der Herbst steht vor der Türe und mit ihm auch die modischen Herausforderungen. Warm genug soll ein Outfit auf jeden Fall sein, doch auch die getragene Mode möchte schön anzusehen sein. Ein Herbst Outfit welches ich besonders mag, ist ein Look mit Hut, Jeans oder Strumpfhose, eine Strickjacke und derbere Boots dazu. Damit die Weiblichkeit trotz der mehreren Lagen nicht unter geht, ist es smart einen Taillengürtel einzusetzen, um die Kurven zu unterstreichen und hervorzuheben.
Stylisch und warm:
Damit der Gesamtlook auch harmoniert, sollte man auf die kombinierten Farben achten. Im besten Fall achtet man ebenfalls auf seinen Haut- und Haarton. Bei einer blasseren Haut, wie meine, sieht es zum Beispiel sehr harmonisch aus, wenn man zu warmen Erdtönen greift. Damit der gesamte Herbstlook stilsicherer wirkt, sollte man Accessoires und Schmuck ebenfalls mit Bedacht wählen.
Herbst Outfit Idee mit Stickjacke Mode Look. Durch den großen Hut*großen Hut* wirkt das Outfit direkt interessanter.Herbst Outfit Idee mit Stickjacke und Taillengürtel. hier* habe ich coole Strickjacken entdeckt und hier* findest Du einen ähnlichen Gürtel.
Details wie hübsche Perlmuttknöpfe oder eine präsente Gürtelschnalle schenken dem Outfit das gewisse Etwas. Auch das Make-Up sollte an die in dem Outfit vorhandenen Farben angepasst werden. Dadurch wird ein harmonischer Gesamtlook verstärkt.
Herbst Outfit Idee mit Stickjacke – die derben Doc Martens Herbst Schuhe* verleihen dem Outfit einen leichten crunge Look. Nebenbei sind sie durch die dicke Sohle perfekt für kältere Tage. Eine gut sitzende, schwarze Hose sollte in keiner Garderobe fehlen.Herbst Outfit Idee mit Stickjacke und Hut
Was trägst Du am liebsten im Herbst und was sind Deine absoluten Mode-Must-Haves? Freue mich von Dir zu lesen.
XX, Christina Key
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As long as I can rember I want to create something big. Something that put a smile on people faces. Something, that other folks like. Something, which inspire other ones. With a sweet age of 8, my biggest dream was to become a singer. I wanted to be like Christina Aguilera. She charmed me so hard! Her voice, her strength, her beauty, yes, her whole attitude was a big inspiration for me! Especially for me as a little kid the beautiful Christina Aguilera was the epitome of beauty and succes for me. When I was a teenager, I also wanted to be a singer but I found out the photography much more. All the years before, I’ve took photos with our „family camera“ – a cheap Digital Camera with a bad quality – but in my Teenager years my passion for photography grew much more. I was litterally stunned by all those beautiful, special photographs which you can see in all these fashion magazines. The stunning photographs got me and so my passion for photography began. I wanted beautiful pics like those from myself. And I wanted to take photographs like these! So my hunger in photography grew and grew and I wanted to learn everything about it. In 2010 we all saw these SLR cameras in the advertising. I wanted to buy myself just a „great“ camera like those SLR. But! You need a lot of money to buy yourself such a camera, so I bit the bullet and I distributed newspapers and more. You know, if you life in a small village, the people are a little bit trolish and so they laught at me and looked at me down from high above. I gave a shit, my only aim was to get one of this SLR cameras. After 3 years (!!) of saving money the day came! I bought myself a Canon 500D, which cost about 1200 Euros. It’s naive to think that you can take great photographs just if you buy a SLR! You thought wrong Christina!
After some starter difficulties – and shutter releases in the automatic mode – I get to know that so far no master has fallen from the sky! I informed myself about the camera settings, different lenses, what’s focal lenght and aperture is. You can not believe how careful I wrote all these things down in my notebook! I’ve did drawings and little notices. To check, if I got these camera settings, I’ve took self-portraits. So I played model and photograph at the same time. After a few tests and editing with Gimp, I posted some of my photographs on Facebook and Co. The great comments and the whole support by my friends and other people was amazing! I’ve got the confirmation that the thing that I do is pretty cool! All these comments and kind words spurned me on to do more! I wanted to get better and better and I wanted to get my own style, so I asked my sisters to stand in front of my lense and play model. I was happy because they wanted to do it!
Well, after a few years the time has come to decide which profession should be mine. I immediately knew that I want to become a photographer. There were nothing else I wanted to do anymore. „You don’t earn enough money with that“, „Go and find a *right* job“ were the sentences which I’ve got to hear a lot. „What to they want? Is it all about the money?“ I thought. I don’t care if I am rich or poor. All that counts is that you find a job that you love. A job that’s your biggest passion. Actually photography is not a job for me, it’s a passion, which makes my day. Photography is something that I want to do forever. To put it briefly, photography for me is everything! Is it usefull to have a profession, which you do just because of the money? Having a job – which take many hours in your life – but doesn’t bring you happiness? I say no! If you really love something you also do it with love! And where love is, there is never the end of a passion! But especially: what you do with love, will bring you success! That’s all that counts! 🙂 In the last few years, I got much better in the photograpy way. If I compare my first photography works and my works now, I’m a little bit proud of myself. Sometimes I’m a little bit surprised about how disciplined and dedicated I am in matters of photography. I do and will always work with my full heart for my photography dream, so that I can perhaps reach something bit, like I wanted like a little kid – when I’ve sang and danced in my underwear and used the hairbrush as a microphone and sang songs of Christina Aguilera. 🙂 Guys, do me the favour and believe in you and your dreams! If you don’t you will regret it, believe me! Please do it! XX, CHRISTINA KEY’S BLOG