INSPIRATION TUESDAY // Photography Tips // Perspective and Image Angle

Perspective and Image Angle.

Perspective and image angle are both one of the fundamental design possibilities. But before we will look at the design possibilities.

Perspective: Perspective in photography can be defined as the sense of depth or spatial relationships between objects in the photo, along with their dimensions with respect to the viewpoint of camera.

Image Angle: The focal length and the size of the sensor define the image angle. This means: Which section I (or the camera) see of the scene.

This two options belong together but you can’t replace them with each other. We will get the same section but the picture will look different. This means the picture will be look different when I get more distance to my scene and zoom in to get the same picture section.

Small observer – Big observer

Many of you will remember this form the art class in school. We have the worm's-eye-, normal- and bird's-eye view and this you can also use for photography. In the worm’s-eye-view the observer will feel small and the model will big and powerful. In the bird-eye-view the observer gets overview of the scene and in the normal-view the observer on the same eye-level with the scene and/or the model.

But perspective doesn’t mean only the high of the camera, it means also how far away the objects of the scene form the camera.

Example: We want to photography a hotel and in the background we see the sea. To make the sea look more near to the Hotel get a higher distance to the hotel and zoom-in. What happens? The hotel has the same size on the pictures but it looks like the sea is closer to the hotel. The same I photography with that rose, at the first picture I was close up to the rose and the trees in background seems to be far away. At the second picture I had a large distance to the rose and zoomed-in and it looks like the trees directly behind the roses.

Let’s try to define what we’ve done: The higher the distance between the camera and the scene the smaller the distance seems to be between objects in the scene and vice versa.

Caution: We have this effect only if we change the perspective (the position of the camera). If we zoom in or out we don’t get the same effect, because this only change the image angle and not the perspective.

You can remember this easily with rails: if you stand on the rails and you look to the horizon you will see that the higher the distance the smaller the distance between railway sleepers.


Dickes oder Schmales Gesicht.

Now you will have the same effect on the model: the distance between objects looks higher or lower the higher lower the distance of the camera to the scene. If you press a 3D Object on 2D it will get broader. I did an animation do demonstrate you the change of a face:

People in my old school often lough about me because sometimes I do lay down to the ground to take a picture but it’s totally worth it to get the perfect perspective 🙂

What do you think about the tutorials are they good, to easy or to hard? Let me know, so I can improve it 🙂

Nico Treeman


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