Jeans Kleid & Bomberjacke


Hey babes! How are you? I hope fine, in spite of all this bad rain. 🙁 Well today you 
can have a look at my current favourite spring look! I’m wearing a lot of jeans, act-
ually only jeans! Okay, the shoes and the bag aren’t jeans. 🙂 I really like this outfit
because the color of the dress and that jacket looks great with my hair and skin. 
What do you think guys? 🙂 

Isn’t this just damn beautiful? I LOVE the flowers, the trees and the sun in spring!
If you read my last two posts, you know that I love spring and summer! Look HERE.

Actually this belt is just from another dress. But look how it dovetails nicely! 

Usually I love blue and brown together! This two colors are just perfect. The blue 
emanates a great calm, the brown stuff looks so warm, so sunny and just so pretty! 

When we made these picutres, it was 7 am! Hell this is so early on a Sunday! Oh
you can’t believe how cold the weater was on this day! But what did Freddie Mercury 
say? THE SHOW MUST GO ON! Haha 🙂

I love this beauty! Isn’t she perfect? Aren’t these fringes lovely? I think so. 🙂


Blue in combination with red (lipstick) is always a good choice, isn’t it? 🙂
See you soon. XX, Christina Key

11 Gedanken zu „Jeans Kleid & Bomberjacke“

  1. Hey liebe Christine,
    Ich hab Dich erst vor kurzem entdeckt und find was Du machst fantastisch 🙂 Vor allem der Mix zwischen Fotografin und Fashionbloggerin finde ich super! Mag Deine Bilder mega.. Sie haben so eine ganz eigene Bildsprache. In dieser Serie gefällt mir vor allem das erste Bild richtig gut!
    Ganz liebe Grüsse

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