MUSIC MONDAY // Hot & New Tracks

Songs for spirit of optimism and relaxed evenings 


Happy brand new  MUSIC MONDAY dear babes! 🙂  Which day is today? Right, the day for fresh songs, so let's go:

The voice, the way to perform songs, the very fast rap, kids from the past (and my sister, who was very crazy about this great man!) think on the one and only Craig David! Myself love his beautiful voice! About his latest track "One More Time" I romance about him. What does this means to you? It's a case of need! A must hear! :") The next song is more tender, calmer. The wonderful and asolutely beautiful Astrid S, impresses me with her latest song "Jump". The song is very catchy and you can listen to it everywhere. In the underground, while you edit some photographs and even in the gym! A simple "wow!" is not enough for the next new track. I need a "wow, damn"! Adele, the queen of voice from London kicks up one's heels with her song  "Send My Love" ! She looks not only very beautiful in the video but gets me also in spirit of optimism! The next singer is a true queen as well: Ariane Grande gives me with her latest track "Let me love you" a song which reminds me on the times of Destiny's Child. Cool, poppy and full of R'n'B – very nice!  


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