
Hey babes! Do you want some candy? I have some candyfloss for you! Well, it’s really some
kind of crazy but I bought it just for these pictures here! Yes, I think I should be honest with
you, so it’s my open „secret“ now! Actually I don’t like cotton candy, it’s too sweet for my taste.
But hell, that was to be expected. (laughing) You will not believe it but I had my very first 
candyfloss in the age of 19! Isn’t this insane? When I was a little kid, my parents always told
me that this sweet looking candy is too bad for the teeth and would not taste good. Well I have 
to say that they were bloody right….x) 



This dress is my latest luv! The color and the shape are very great! It’s very figgure-hugging
and it feels just like a second skin. It’s just perfect! 


When my boy and I took these pictures here, the atmosphere at the fair was amazing! You
should know that I’m very addicted to music and as you know surely it’s always music there!
I don’t know why but when I hear music, I feel so much better, so confident! It’s more easy 
to posing a little bit. 


It’s so crazy, more than 8 folks asked me if I’m „Christina Key“ at the fair this day! I mean this
is so damn madly! I thought I’m just the girl who take some photographs and have a little blog
here in Freiburg. Yes, 8 people are not much but for me this experience was dope! I’ve never
thought that something like this can happen to me! 🙂 But wait….at the evening happened some-
thing madder….

I came home utterly done and just checked out my facebook and instagram and suddenly
my heart leapt into my throat! A guy at the fair took a photo of me and my boy when we
took this outfit pics! He uploaded it on insta and marked me and wrote something like „I’ve
met Christina Key today“. A guy I don’t know! I think it’s crazy that he took a picture and didn’t
talk to me when he saw me. At the first moment I didn’t know if I should be happy or just cry!
I was very perplexed. Well I will never forget this insane day! So dope!

So tell me babes, what do you think about this fashion look here? 🙂 Let me know and write
your opinion in the comment form below. I’m very exited! Your girl Christina Key

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24 thoughts on “Pinkes Cocktail Mini Kleid

  1. [b]Fashion is really everywhere.[/b]
    and you have a trait to show this 😉
    [b]I love your Fashion Blog :)[/b]

    I don’t know why but somehow the pictures reminded a little bit of the Wild West. Especially the last picture.

    your fan

  2. Die Bilder sind richtig gut geworden! Der Fotograf hat echtes Talent 🙂

    Ich wollte auch schon immer solche Bilder schießen, aber mir war das bis jetzt noch zu peinlich vor so vielen Leuten zu posen und Zuckerwatte mag ich auch nicht 😀

    Sehr sexy siehst du übrigens aus 🙂 Und echt krass, dass dich Leute erkannt haben 😀 Vielleicht wirst du ja irgendwan ein Weltstar 😉 😛

  3. Vielen lieben Dank für dein Kommentar, weiß und blau trage ich beispielsweise besonders gerne zusammen 🙂

    Deine Bilder sind übrigens richtig, richtig klasse! Bin beeindruckt! 🙂

    Liebste Grüße,

  4. You are so beautiful! And you have an awesome figure, I’m so jealous.
    I love cotton candy. That feeling in your mouth where it just disappears is so crazy. It can get a bit too sweet, but then I balance it by eating something salty to compensate haha
    That’s so amazing that you got recognized at the fair. Hopefully one day that would happen to me 🙂
    Even though one person posted a picture of you and didn’t talk to you, I think that it’s still very exciting to be recognized like that! You’ve worked hard! Maybe that guy was too shy to go talk to you?

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

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