1 shirt – 3 different looks

Hey babes! Are you in good health after these festive season? Or are you bursting at the seams? :“D
Well, Nico and I worked very hard on this post. Actually I wanted to show you just one look for New
Year’s Eve but then I thought it would be cooler, if I going to show you three looks! 🙂 You know,
what’s the best thing? At all looks I’m wearing the same shirt! So because of that you have on the
one hand three different looks for New Year’s Eve and on the other can you have a look at how
to style one shirt different! For me, every look is completly different and shows another facet of me.
Okay, okay, enough of my chatter, so let’s go! 🙂

The Drama Queen
This look is sexy, thrilling and dramatic! The red pleating skirt is a real eye-catcher! He seduces
not only with its colour but also with his shape. Red lipps should not be missed at this look, that’s
for sure! To get a portion of Glamour you wear your hair loose and wavy! Sure, a edgy part should
not be missed here, so at best you also wear a cool, black leather jacket!
Flirt factor: 1! In the end no men can resist red lips and loose, wavy hair! 😉

The Fancy One
For her is a striking spangles shirt alone not enough! The fancy one really needs also another
flashy garment, so this royal blue semms to be perfect! She loves beeing in the centre of
attention and everybody cut down because of her lovely charm! What? Silver and gold
togehter is a no-go? She don’t cares because she loves beeing a little rebel! Furthermore
she likes to show her body, so tight clothes are perfect! What would be better than a
hot pants and leggins?
Flirt factor: 2! Her extravagance is a little bit too much for some guys…

The Cool Girl
Beeing for hours in the bathroom for the perfect look? No, too stressfully for her! To get
this wonderful casual look is a simple jeans and a striking shirt enough! To get this great
reduces, clean look she only wears earrings. The hair is perfect with this ponytail look, so
it’s accentuating the whole face and of course the red lips should not be missing here. To
get the feminine touch you should really wear high shoes! 🙂
Flirt factor: 1+! You know, nobody can resist so much coolness! Even not the coolest guy!


So, what’s your favourite look? 🙂 XX, CHRISTINA KEY

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