Autumn is here // Chic Fashion Look


I like these beatuiful, warm days here in Freiburg. Sometimes it’s very warm in autumn! I remember
some years ago we had almost 30 degrees! So crazy but so cool! That’s the reason I can wear
a charming, black dress in September! I’m also wearing a black lace bra, which goes perfect with
the neck of this dress! It’s not too much, just a little bit flirty. 🙂 Well, I think these casual, black 
shoes are very nice! No matter what some guys say, hehe. In my opinion they look very stylish
and endless trendy! What do you think? My sister colored my hair light lavender, I love the 
result! I had this color some years ago and was obsessed with! Especially for autumn it’s a nice
contrast with the yellow and orange leafes. I’ve used much eyeliner on this look and a little bit
mascara. Because my skin is very pale (even in summer!) the color of the hair fits perfect to 
me and my eyes now! At the moment this is my favourite look I would say! 🙂 Well, now I’m off
to plan some great photo-shootings which are going to be a real pleasure for me! 🙂 See you 
soon on this blog guys! Love, CHRISTINA KEYS BLOG 

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