SCHLEMMER SUNDAY // Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Frosting


Muffins with hat

I saw cupcakes first time at the "Sex and the City" and after we get a patisserie in Freiburg, I had to try them. Since this I'm in love with cupcakes, especially with peanut butter cupcakes. I always thought that it's really hard to make homemade cupcakes, but it was so easy that I do still wondering. After trying different frostings, I did found my favourite: Cream Cheese Frosting with vanilla or peanut butter. This frosting is sweet but also creamy, it remains me on ice cream. Today I will present you one of my favourites: chocolate cupcake wit vanilla frosting.


Ingredients (Cupcakes):

(6 Portions)
120 g chocolate
1 tsp. vanilla sugar
50 g sugar
20 g flour
60 g butter
1 pinch of Salt
2 eggs
1 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder

Ingredients (Frosting):
50 g butter
50 g cream cheese
50 g iced sugar
1 vanilla pod



Recipe (Cupcakes)
1) Melt chocolate and butter
2) Mix eggs with vanilla sugar, sugar, salt and flour
3) Add melted butter & chocolate
4) Grease muffin plate and fill the dough in
5) Bake it at 190°C for about 15 minutes

Recipe (Frosting)
1) Beat the butter creamy
2) Add iced sugar
3) Add cream cheese and vanilla
4) Put the frosting on the cupcakes






Do you also love cupcakes and which one is your favourite?

Nico Treeman




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