Am I too fat? // Edgy Fake Fur Look

Who hasn’t been confronted with situations like these: You’re in a fitting room with a fashion
piece in your usual dress size but you can’t put it on, because it’s too small. The first thought is:
„Oh shit, have I gained some weight?“ You set it aside and try a bigger size. Tada, it fits! But
hell, why do I need a bigger size now?

The sizes vary from shop to shop, so calm down. Usually a „S“ is perfect for me, but at this
day it hasn’t. I’ve tried – actually – a very casual – pants, well, let’s say I’ve just tried it, because
I couldn’t wear it all, it stoped at the half way. :“D Everyone who know the same szenario, know
how frustrating it is! Actually always you can wear your old known size, but in some stores the
pants won’t fit you. Another example are boots. Sometimes I can’t try them, because my calves
seems to be too fat. In situations like that I ask myself: „Am I too fat?“ – Yes, it’s real bullshit,
because if you do a lot of sports, your calves aren’t skinny like the one from a schoolkid anymore.
Your booty fits not in every pants, because it’s too big. No, this is no fat, it’s the result of hard
training. Your muscles just got bigger, stronger! This is called Bootylicous like Destinys Child
sang once! :“D

We women have to sign off. Not with our lovers, no. We have to sign off with all these megalomania!
Why do we have to press our beautiful bodies into these ridicoulous sizes? I’ve heard this sentences
from a fashion laben here in German, they say something like: „Fashion is made for people.“ That’s
what I’m saying! Fashion pieces are made for us, not our bodies for them. Especially we women
are under pressure all the time! We should be perfect. We need perfect skin, perfect boobs,
perfect legs – everything should be perfect. But hey! What does perfection means exactly? I mean
everyone does have another image of „perfection“. For me, the things with a little flaw are perfect.
That’s the thing which is going to make something perfect for me.


What I do in the future, when I’m shopping clothes? Well, if my usually size doesn’t fit me
once again, I grab a bigger size. My boobs, booty and calves are just too powerful for such
a little piece. A babe in Teenage can pick it but I am a woman with curves! The sweet little
piece could not make me happy permanently. 🙂

How do you folks like my today’s look? I’m wearing my old, beloved fur coat (fake, of course!),
a black shirt from my boyfriend (at this point thank you very much, that I can grab some stuff
from you, whenever I want! :“) ♥), a black, sober pants, boots and last but no least my all-time
favourite bag, that I’ve found at a fleamarket. You can write your opinion about the topic „Am I
too fat“? and my look in the comment form below! 🙂 XX, CHRISTINA KEYS BLOG

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