Pumpkin cake flower // Happy Halloween

Hey guys, do you looking forward to Halloween this weekend? I do and so I want to share my favourite autumn cake reciepe with you. 🙂 It’s so tasty and perfect for your Halloweenparty! If you don’t like Halloween dosn’t matter, you have to try it!

2015 10 30 Kürbis Dessert 5

U need:

200 g   pumpkin
8 tbsp  water
150 g sugar
100 g flour
35 g   cocoa powder
1/4 tsp  cinnamon powder
1 pinch  salt
8 g vanilla sugar
100 g   butter (soft)
150 g   Greek joghurt
 2 eggs
   The Frosting:
4   egg white
250 g powdered sugar

Let’s start with Pumkin:

  1. Cut pumpkin in smal pieces.
  2. Boil Water.
  3. Cook the pumpkin about 14 minutes.
  4. Puree the hole thing.
  5. Let the pumpkin mouse cool down.

That’s the main part, the dough:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Mix Sugar, flour, cocoa powder, cinnamon, salt, vanilla sugar and butter.
  3. Add pumpkin mouse, joghurt, eggs and mix this.
  4. Put a tabelspoon of the dough in every paper muffin.
  5. Put the dough in oven for 15 minutes.

Let’s do the Frosting:

  1. Beat the egg white until stiff, add the powdered sugar. And beat it over a steam beath 10 Minutes. (Keep attention that the bowl don’t touch the hot water. Otherwise it will get too hot)
  2. Take the bowl from the steam beath and beat it one more Minute. ( Especially for Halloween you can add red groceries color, so it will look like blood! ) 
  3. Let the Frosting cool down.

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The Serving:

  1. Pick a glass. (I prefer a martini glass.)
  2. Put the cake biscuits like a rose in the glass. (order them in a circle and let every right side overlap.)
  3. Add the frozing in the middle of the circle.
  4. Spread the frozing from the middle to the outside with a fork.


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Do u like these pictures and the recipe?

Whats your favourite Halloween recipe? Let me know! 🙂


Happy Halloween! XX Nico Treeman from CHRISTINA KEY’S BLOG

2015 10 30 Kürbis Dessert 1


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