An hour ago the rain was fallen down outside. Well, now it’s a little bit sunny. I guess in this case
I have to do a fresh fashion look with my bae. I hope the sun will still kisses our skin later! Not
on the day we did this photographs from this fashion post. Eveything was fine when we walked
arround the town and when we found a pretty location the weather turned into a dark, grey, rainy
soup. Not beautiful and really not usefull when you’ve planed to do an outfit post outside…Anyway
I have a fresh look for you today. I’m wearing a casual white dress that I’ve found some weeks ago
at H&M. The first time I saw it on the clothes rack I was in love with it. Well, the thing was it’s a 40 and
usually I need a 34 or 36. I thought „What the heck!“ I have to try it and tada it looks nice and because
it’s a bigger size than I usually wear, it has got a cool, slack look! Have to try bigger sizes more often I
think! If something is even on sale you have to try if it could looks great on you! My tip for today, hehe! 🙂
Rather I have not much to say for today. It’s friday (always a pleasant news!), it’s sunny (at the moment),
I have very many pictures to edit, do some unspuctaculare things and last but no least, I have got
a new hair look! Made by the one and only Melanie, my sister. You will get a pic of my new hair later on
FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM, make sure to follow me on this two social media things! 🙂
What are your plans this week-end? Let me know! 🙂 Love, Christina Key from Freiburg!