Strolling Casual Through Freiburg.


These days are full of work. I have some cool plans for this fashion and photography blog, but 
I don’t want to tell you too much. I think you understand. Well, everytime when I have some days
or weeks for myself, I mean free time, I’m becoming very creative. I have so many different things
in my head and in the next time I want to do a lot. This blog is one of the most important projects 
for me, of course! Having the chance to combinate my two biggest passion, photography and fashion,
is awesome! It’s really joyful and I have the feeling that I spend my time right. Hm, since I’m 13 years
young, I have this big in my head. I think everybody of us has this one, big dream. To aspire after this
dream is so crucial for me! You can’t imagine. It’s so great, that this dream has become real a little bit
until now. But I want more! More of everything! More success, more creativity, more visions, more food,
more love, just more! 🙂 If you found something you really like, something you be in merged in, you can
call yourself the winner! I know, many young people in my age just don’t know what they want. I can’t
imagine this. I mean, come on, you have to know what you want! If you are one of this clueless folks,
take some weeks just for yourself and listen to your inner voice. Do you have any plans? Which things
do you like the most? Ask this questions really yourself because time is money! It’s true, really, I know
what I’m talking about. In my opinion: „The older you get, the faster time flies!“ This sentence should not
be any fearmongering, no! I notice it by myself. Sounds crazy but that’s the way it is. For that reason, dear
clueless people, choose something you like! Now! Sounds like I’m a mother, yes, but all I want to do is
to give you a little kick in your bootylicius booty! Well, let’s talk about my fashion look, that I’m wearing on
the photographs. I’m wearing a casual, black pants (oh yes, so comfy!), a boho inspired vest and a tiny,
black top with lace parts on it. I call this look the „all black, everyting look“. Black is always a good idea,
we all know. To add a little extra pop to this black look, I’ve choosen this colorful, beautiful bag, which is
actually a laptop sleeve. Well, enough said for today. I’m asking you guys; do you like this look? Let me know
and write your opinion in the comment form below. Thanks. 

XX, Christina Key

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