MUSIC MONDAY // Hot & New Tracks

Songs to get more energy – even on your                      working space  


Happy  MUSIC MONDAY dear babes! 🙂  Today I want to share with you some brand new songs, so let's go: für euch! Fangen wir direkt an:

Since her song  All about that bass – which tell us girls that we should stand to ourselfes – we all know her name: Meghan Trainor. With her brand new hit Me Too the pretty woman gives us a pretty cool earworm! The video is awesome! And I think that Miss Trainor just looks super hot! And I mean not just because of her fire red hair! :") The British singer NAO cause with her song Fool to love for a very relaxed track, which I love listening while I edit some photographs. I'm asking myself why I've found her music only now – her songs are awesome! The Canadian singer Grimes – her changeability is fantastic! –  looks very romantic and playful in her video of her latest track California. My personal favourite song from today's post is the latest track Final Song from the Danish singer . It's very funny that today's song is called like that, very apposite! The song bring you in good mood and endows a lot of energy! The track is a true earworm – even after hours! You need hear it! ♥


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