Beach Hair


Hey babes! As many of you read via Facebook I have changed my color of hair a little bit!
I’m very difficult with new hair looks now, don’t ask me why. Formerly I was very reckless
with different haircuts and hair color. Well perhaps this has changed because I’m „older“
now! (laugh) Well, this is how my hair looks now! I call this „the beach babe look“, because
my hair looks like I just came home from a sunny holiday. My hair-ends are very bright
now and when I use a salt-spray it looks like I was in the ocean for a little while. I LOVE 
this look very much! 🙂 It’s not too much, just a soft change. Me likey.

This was my hair color before my visit at my favourite hairdresser „Szenario“ here in Freiburg.
As you can see my natural color of hair is very golden, I would say it’s a pretty blonde but
as a woman I love to change my styles, outfits and so on! I had to get something new. 🙂

A little bit bleaching for the perfect „kissed by the sun“ look!

After the shampooing…

First look after all! As you can see the blonde gets brighter and brighter in the lengths.


Yes I’ve said it already. But I just have to comment again that I’m in love with this new look!

What do you think guys? 🙂 XX, Christina Key

4 Gedanken zu „Beach Hair“

  1. I really like the make up on your „beach“ pictures. It’s very natural and fits perfectly to your face and color of hair.

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