FASHION FRIDAY // Pretty summer dress with floral pattern




Summer dress in the style of the 60ies meets rockish accessoires 


Happy FASHION FRIDAY dear ones! 🙂 Like your already know, I love dresses! They underline the personality and the womanhood. Sometimes I need to wear red lace dresses or chic ones in black and of course also one in blue. But my heart is beating also for maxi dresses which look very boho but I love pink & very sexy cocktail dresses which are very form-fitting too. I could show you many more dresses for example one of the coolest hippie dresses which I've ever bought or this fancy one with a million of sequins which tell you my year of birth. :") Today I want to show you a very special dress which is not off the rack but which I've designed by myself. It's also bespoke so that it fits perfectly. The vibe of the 60ies is awesome I think and the colourful pattern brings you in good mood. The perfect cut underlines my waist and the lengths flutters so elegant in the wind. I've choosen to add a few accessiores in the style of the 90ies – you know I love breach of style! 🙂 The lipstick has got the perfect colour, don't you think? 🙂

How do you like my today's fashion look?

🙂 XX, Christina Key



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