FASHION FRIDAY // High Waist Jeans meets brown blouse and cool fake leather vest// Unasked role model


If you are a in the publics eye you are a also a role model – no matter if you want


The last days I've got some emails with very some very personal words and questions. Sometimes I get asked  what I think about a special topic or whats the absolute must haves in summer for myself. Another time a girl asks me what I think about her style. I'm feeling a little bit overhelmed when somebody who I really don't know asks me questions like these. But at the same time it's a great feeling that a stranger needs your help, trust you and want to know your opinion. Because I've grown up in a big family I know how it feels to be something like a role model. When you have role models you want to be like them and maybe your speech gets similar after time. I think everybody knows some situations when you spend time with another individual and notice that you are very similar after a time. I think this is not bad. You can learn from each other. It's pretty bad that some bloggers tell you that you have to be thin to be successful and so on. They applier to get very thin if you want to become a famous fashion blogger. As a woman you should not have body curves they say. But that's so wrong I think! I've already told you HERE what I think about this topic. Some other tell you that you should choose a man with a lot of money to have a good life. I mean, serious?  Well the question I want to talk is the follow:



What should I do when I'm a role model for other people?


I'm just myself and I don't say that my thoughts are the right ones. There is no black or white, there are a millions of grey shades the photographers know what I mean I'm sure. :") Well if you are in the public eye you are a role model no matter if you want. You have to distinctly aware that you affect your readers. Especially the young kids are very influenceable. You remeber your own youth when you had some role models. In my case they were Christina Aguilera and Avril Lavigne. Both of them were and still are beautiful, glib and very strong womens. And I just love both voices: full of emotion, rouching and just special. Today I have another person where I look up at. Masha is the perfect blogger for me because she gives us not just pretty inspirations but also talk about serious topics like the scandal about Gina Lisa. I think that persons like her needs the world! People who uses their fame to make this world to a better place and are thought-provoking. When you are a famous person you must not forget that your opinion and view is very crucial to your readers. How much influence a fame person can have shows Kylie Jenner with her Lip Kits. The people see her as a role model, get influenced by her and let theirselfes get encourage to buy her products. If she would be the trendsetter for only using jute bags her fans would follow that trend and the world would be a litte bit better. The power of every single "vip" is vast. I think if you are a person in the publics eye you should help to make this world better, no matter if this sounds corny. 

The people who read my blog for a longer time alerady know that I'm also a little eco freak, I prefer using ground coffee for a peeling than the plastic ones in the supermarket. I've told you that you don't have to follow any ideal of beauty and want that you just who you are. For me it's also very important to remind you that they are more important things tahn clothes and consumption. Character, motivation and health are things which you can't buy! I hope that I'm a good role model for you guys. 🙂 



You are a woman – love your curves!

At my today's fashion look thie pretty high waist jeans is the star that's for sure. I love the light blue and the details on the pockets. The brown blouse – which you can also wear as a short dress – is the perfect partner in crime with that pretty cool fake leather vest I think! The soft details of lace and the rockish look of the vest builts a great contrast, don't you think so? Because the jeans is a stretch one is perfect for every type of body and it helps you too look awesome! 


What do you think about beeing a role model? And how do you like my
todays fashion look?:) XX, Christina Key ♥

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