New Home // Berlin

Today I want to show you some images of my new home here in Berlin. After two weeks, everything is almost done and the hills of clothes are finally (!!!) in my wardrobe. It’s such a good feeling that I have time for other things than built up the cupboards and so on. Hell, a moving is so, so bloody stressful. In the last couple of years I moved so many times and now it’s really enough I think. Anyway I’m very happy that I’ve found a beautiful flat in just one hour (!) in Berlin! We all know how difficult it’s now to find a great and affordable flat.

Well, in my new flat I have these high ceillings, so beautiful and typical old building. You know I have so many clothes and shoes and happily I can make useof them. At most I love the brightness here, it’s just perfect. The windows are very big so I can take beautiful pics in my home. The only drawback is that I don’t have blinds or shatters which ensure a pleasant darkness in the night. But in the onlineshop of VELUX I‘ ve found some beautiful blackout blinds, which are chic (here). I would take one in white, because they would fit perfectly to my other stuff. 🙂 What I think is pretty cool: If you buy something at VELUX you have guarantee – so if you can’t sleep after reading this I don’t know what’s wrong! :“) Well I can’t sleep good if my room is not really dark. 🙁 Does anyone of you also have the same problem?

With friendly assistance of VELUX! 🙂

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