Rebekka Ruétz // BFW Jan 2016 // + Inspired Fashion Look

Elegance and femininity combined very well ♥


Today I have a very special post for you guys. Well, the Fashion Week Berlin was weeks ago but I want to show you the beautiful collection from Rebekka Ruétz anyway. If I have a look at the photographs I'm still in love with the flowing fabrics and the delicate colours. The looks are august feminin, flimsy and I just want spring! The beautiful hour glass silhouttes I'm in love anyway (not just because I've got a body like that) but especially combinated with these beautiful braided hair and the soft make up and lace – this collection just melt my heart! ♥
Well, I've created a own fashion look in this style. I'm wearing a grey dress, an amazing negligee with beautiful lace on it and a casual blazer. To punctuate my waist I'm also wearing a simple, black belt. The looks gets also more womanhood with that pretty black boots! They seems to be perfect and if you wear wedges your whole walk looks better, that's true. I wanted to create a female look but not too female that's the reason why I wear just hanks in my face.  
















How do you like the collecton of Rebekka Ruétz and what do you think about my look? 🙂 XX, CHRISTINA KEY ♥

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