Weinrote Hose & Print Bluse


Hi everybody! Today you get some warm, sunny pictures. And of course a fresh 
outfit! I’m wearing a sweet pants in red wine, a charming blouse, which is perfectly
for spring! 🙂 I really like these colors together. They remind me off sweet flowers
which you can see truly everywhere in spring, even in towns! 

This jacket is pretty nice, isn’t that color for warm, sunny days? 🙂 I also wear it act-
ually in this post, but I’ve showed you only the pics who I didn’t wear it. 

I think the mood at these pics are stunning! Spring is one of my fave seasons! Def-
initely! As you know I’m actually the girl behind the camera. I LOVE my job! If you 
don’t know my latest work, have a look at my facebook page! 🙂 

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